Thursday, January 08, 2009

Road Block...

There is a very thin line between passion and stupidity. She blocked the world out, people spoke all around her, in loud voices, but all she heard was the blare of guitar and drums in her ears. To block the world out, sometimes, is the easiest and the most convenient thing to do. There were gaps in her conversation; her mind was where her body wasn’t. The chinks in the armour show only when you go to war. The wounds were easy to make, the chinks were clear and obvious, she was at the enemy’s mercy. The enemy had been closing on her for a while and all her strength could not save her from the impending eventuality. She lifted her slight head to look at what lay ahead. A couple of vintage postcards which defined who she was, and photographs of those she loved deeply. They smiled silently back and gave her a quiet strength. She will mend the chinks, bandage the wounds and smile... Smile through your misery as the only thing which is constant, is pain...


Anonymous said...

keep smiling :-)

thusspakerono said...

so painfully deep!

Rachita Bansal said...

Op: I will keep smiling. thats what i do the best

Rono: Painful and deep go hand in hand. happiness can be superficial but pain exists, persists and evolves from the deep within..

Anonymous said...

totally consuming....this reminds me of someone i know ;)

Anonymous said...

"The chinks in the armour show only when you go to war."

You are on your way to be listed in the quotable quotes' book :D

"all her strength could not save her from the impending eventuality"..."They smiled silently back and gave her a quiet strength"

Your past/history breaking you (leading to the present) and your past/history giving you the strength to handle is definitely a lesson !!

Rachita Bansal said...

Megha: Really? Who might that be? :D

Yadu: Thanks a ton... we come up lines everyday and most of them are just lost in empty space, its nice to hang on to some of them, archive them and read them later and go-wow!

zephyr said...

i dont have much to say today.. but i loved the post...

yes... pain exists. And it makes its presence felt...