Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Most of you will read about this tomorrow in papers or see it on the news tonight. We have scored a second big victory against the tobacco industry today after the ban on public smoking last October. From May 31st this year, all cigarette and other tobacco products would have to display mandatory pictorial warnings on their packets. The Supreme Court finally let us have our way (in a limited manner albeit) and has directed the Government of India to enforce the law mandating the display of pictorial warnings which will see all tobacco products displaying images reflecting adverse health effects of tobacco on 40% of the front panel. This victory has been six years in coming and I can’t stop grinning from ear to ear... My first ever writ petition, my first ever draft!


Arpit Higgins said...

so happy for you.. congratulations..!!!

SMM said...


La Raconteuse said...

Congrats..what would these pictorial warnings look like? Gory pictures? isn't this an admission of liability by cigarette companies?

Rachita Bansal said...

Arpit: Thank u furball

SMM: Yeshhh! soooon

Lorraine: They won't be very gory- just an x-ray picture of the chest, a picture of lungs and a scorpion. They have watered these down from the pictures of a dead body, sick baby and lacerations of lung cancer as mandated by the original warnings of 2006. Thats the watered down victory that I was referring to.. damn

Rohan Jagan said...

That's great hopefully some people will look at it ....

La Raconteuse said...

I am trying to be anonymous madam!!

Arjun said...

well done........

Arjun said...

and yeah.. .gory pics or no gory pics.... smokers will continue to smoke....

Anonymous said...

Congratssssssssss!!!!!I remember once when I was in France they had this anti-smoking campaign going on with posters up literally everywhere and one picture i cant get out of my head is the picture of a set of burnt lungs.. eww. Im sure loads of ppl will stop smoking. Congrats again love!

Vibhor said...

this will require a detailed comment... nay, retort. time somebody spoke about the (alleged) liberal independent informed smokers' perspective.

zephyr said...

cooooooooooooooooooongrats!!!! :)

Tushar Singla said...

congos di!

Rachita Bansal said...

thank u all.. those who would like to debate can call or mail :)