Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We are all made of stars. Well some of us are. The last week flew by, like so many others and held in its fold, some beautiful surprises. Kush bought a brand new Yamaha piano in Singapore (with his own money!!) and called me up the other day and played “comptine d'une autre été” from Amelie for me. It was lovely. Then a friend and I jiggled on “desi girl” in the parking lot of a convention centre. Then I cooked up some complicated dishes for some friends and generally had a good time. And of course, the Charlie’s Angels continued their tirade all over south Delhi, generally spreading Zingoo virus and infectious smiles. Life has been on a good roll, where one doesn’t mind the work, loves the friends and lives in the moment. (*Knock on the wood*). We are all made of stars.


zephyr said...

I like the thought... we are all made of stars... =)

Arpit Higgins said...

i wonder where i fall, being a star, if you insist so much...

just kidding...

as i said earlier.. 2 much.. wid nothing..

hope u got wht i wanted to say.

kyoush said...

Thank you, my dear..
.. it was absolutely delightful to play it for you...