Saturday, May 09, 2009


The pain and the discomfort became visible and apparent. She can never mask her emotions. Something always gives it away- the expression on her face or the tremble in the voice. What was once a pleasurable torment had now become the Achilles heel. Only a fragment of her smiling self remained and she disappeared slowly into an abyss that her heart had formed inside her. She felt as if she were hung up by her toes, unable to eat, breathe, sleep... talk... She wanted to wear a farce and pretend nothing happened, but something had. Something irreversible. They say you reap what you sow...


Arjun said...

you open up life a flower in bloom... but sunlight will hurt you if you expose your vulnerability and pain....

Rachita Bansal said...

how do we help not exposing ourselves Arjun?